Posts whilst on the tour
Worlds largest Ketch
Moored up we saw the world largest ketch. 86m long and owned by self made billionaire Kjell Inge Røkke the richest man in Norway. If look carefully you can see one of crew standing on the boom, really shows the scale of this craft.
Mobile steam powered crane
Spotted this elegant piece of machinery on the quayside in Hobart. It’s an English manufacture steam crane from 1900, made by Jessop and Appleby Bros of Leicester.
With a bit of help from my friends
There is always help at hand!
Breakfast at Gzeg’s
Breakfast at Gzeg's cafe in Richmond
Arriving in Tasmania
Dawn as our journey gets underway from Devonport, Tasmania.
Mañuel with friends
Unzoo kangaroos
Unzoo – some animals
Albino possum and other critters
Stop off at Unzoo
Stopped by Unzoo on the way to Hobart from Port Arthur. Unzoo is a zoo without cages/bars. Highlights were being up close with Kangaroos and seeing a Tasmanian devil having its evening meal.
Port Arthur convict settlement
Significant Tasmania heritage site about 60 miles south east of Hobart. This where the worst of the British convicts were sent to.
At Emilias’ restaurant in Melbourne
Francesco was our chef
Richmond bridge
Elegant bridge in Richmond just a few hundred meters from the hotel we stayed at in Richmond on the Wednesday evening.
On the Catamararn
Just leaving on mini cruise
First car off from Richmond arms
10 DPG with Tour leader at the helm just leaving for Port Arthur
Breakfast at Gzeg’s
Having breakfast a few doors down from the Richmond arms hotel in Richmond Tasmania. Lught froat first thing but bright sun now.
Bristol’s arrive in Melbourne
The Bristol’s motor into the City of Melbourne