Posts whilst on the tour
From Strahan to Stanley
Set off from Strahan for Zeehan to see the West Coast Heritage Centre (formerly known as the West Coast Pioneers Museum). It houses a large collection of minerals, many displays of mining history along with machinery. We then took the scenic route to Stanley via...
Gordon River Cruise
Set of at 8:30 on Tuesday morning on the ‘Spirit of the Wild’ to travel up the Gordon River. This Catamaran has both Diesel and Electric propulsion so we cruised in near silence once we were on the River. On the way to the river from Strahan we passed Salmon and...
Drive through the mountains
Driving across to Strahan on Monday 8th. Dropped into to see ‘The Wall’, best described as follows (words taken straight from Tasmania tourist site) ‘‘The Wall In The Wilderness is situated at Derwent Bridge in Tasmania's Central Highlands. It is Australia's most...
Monday Morning coffee stop
Coffee stop this morning (Monday 8th April) at Salmon Ponds in Derwent Valley. The Salmon Ponds, circa 1861, is the oldest trout hatchery in the Southern Hemisphere. It was the birthplace of trout in Australia and the origin of Tasmania’s legendary trout fishery. Just...
Lunch stop
Lunched off the beaten track on Sunday 7th. Restraunt was part of a cheese making farm, all the cheese was made from ewes milk. The wine was local and we could not turn down a glass of Hughes & Hughes Reisling.
More pics from Sandy Bay
Just as we were leaving an elderly lady introduced herself and told us her father had a Bristol, she thought it was a 405 like the one she is standing next to in the pic.
Classic car meet at Sandy Bay
Sandy Bay Hobart, Sunday 7th May, dropped in on local classic car meet up in the morning. Wide range of cars to admire and lots of locals to swap car tales with.
Lunch on Sunday April 7th 2019 - we chose from a selection of dishes made from ewes milk cheese. The Hughes parties couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the name of the wine that was served. The sheep who have the view and returning back down the dirt track to...
More of MONA
More MONA images from Saturday April 6th 2019
My MONA Favourites
and here are the images from MONA that make me happy 🙂
Happy Breakfast on 06/04/19 in Hobart!
Bacon sandwiches make for a great mood on the ferry to visit MONA in Hobart
Museum trip – more pics
Concrete lorry and Spirograph
Art museum visit again
Pics of the unbridgeable bicycles
Art museum visit
Saturday morning (5th April) and an earlier start to catch the ferry from Hobart to the Brriedale peninsula. To quote wiki - ‘The Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) is an art museum located within the Moorilla winery on the Berriedale peninsula in Hobart, Tasmania,...
Our hosts for the evening
Local Bristol owners Ian and Judy Robinson hosted a delightful evening for our tour group at their home on hill looking over Hobart harbour.